The Night Shone Brighter than Day

On Thika Road, in the full glare of the tropical sun. Between the lanes, enclosed by the guardrails, the ground was bare and uninspiring, and the road on its sides so dark, lean and annoyingly redundant. It was miles on miles of tarmac and guardrail, save for occasional signs and cameras. The road was at … Read more

Stop Waiting on the Rains: It’s Time to Build Resilience

Nature at its core is a conjugate of tiny versions of itself; call them mini-natures, or miniatures for the love of words.  Nature chooses to begin from the smallest of scales, building up intricate bonds and connections to form bigger versions of itself. Consider us, humans, we’re just myriads and myriads of tiny elementary particles … Read more

The Unusual Rule Book of a 19th Century Hunter

Unlike times of recent, there was a time when life revolved around propagation of family lines, when the most important thing for a man was to marry, for a woman to get married and together raise an offspring. What a life! Family kept bloodlines running across generations; it was a conduit for continuity and preservation … Read more