Memoirs of Writer’s Block #2

Getting stuck irks, real hard. Sometimes you just look at the screen and feel every cell of your brain starting to shut down.

You take breaks thinking you’ll come back refreshed, with a couple hundreds of words to add.

Lakini wapi! (To no avail!)

Other times you sit for hours typing, but end up with a paragraph. These are the times you trick your brain, keep it talking as you type everything it says.

Eventually after filtering out all the gibberish you wrote, only a few sentences remain. Nothing is more sickening!

“What’s wrong with me!” The questions begin.

It’s so daunting when you seem to have lost the mojo. Believe me, no one gets desperate as a writer trying to get back in the game.

You’ll know that you’re back in the game when words start to pour out naturally, when there’s almost nothing to filter out.

In the mojo, during the making of ‘For the love of Color and Jacaranda

On the previous memoir, I got off the nick by looking back at my previous articles, reminding myself of my achievements.

It was like a pat on the back shouting, “Dude, come on! Have you seen you? Get up you giant!”

Well, that didn’t work this time. But something else did.

I realised that everytime I wrote, I would get too invested in one article, so much that it took away the fun of writing. My attention span dwindled and I almost lost my mojo.

So after trying time after time and after many bouts of introspection, a thought crossed my mind, “Maybe I should write more articles at once. It may keep things more interesting.”

I suppose by keeping my mind engaged on different stories at once, the boredom of writing one story for extended periods goes away.

So I gave it a shot and here I am. I just hit 306 words, with no sweats. Ha! Don’t be tempted to think it’s a small feat. Just try going a week without publishing.

I don’t know how its gonna work, but that’s a story for another memoir. Be sure to keep me company as I beat Writer’s Block.

Well, peeps, thank you for reading, and as always, writer’s block be damned!

Stay unleashed. Adios.

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