It doesn’t take a minute of listening to feel the creative genius in Micah Tyler’s music. You can’t help but be moved by the sound of good music while resonating to every lyric. It’s a rare combination – music that appeals to the soul while pointing it to Christ.
With a decade now (since 2013) into contemporary Christian music, Micah Tyler has steadily gained a footing in the ministry. He’s got one of those distinctive voices that linger around in the mind, and a light-hearted humor to top it off.
It certainly helped ease his way into Christian pop. But it takes more than good vocals or humor to make sound Christian music. It takes a faithful walk with Christ.

Very often, a musician’s artistry is a reflection of their life and person. It points to their daily struggles and victories, challenges and lessons, stumbles and uprisings. Without a doubt, it can be said that Micah Tyler’s music is a reflection of a man seeking to be Christ-like.
Micah Tyler’s songs often speak to the realities of the daily Christian life, most notably the continual renewal and transformation through grace, mercy and the finished work of the cross. This comes along with the typical upbeat pop feel.
Micah, by full name is Micah Tyler Begnaud, born 1983 (aged 40 in 2023). He hails from Buna, Texas. He is the first of two siblings.

Further on, Micah’s a family man; married at 20 to Casey and with three kids.
It’s interesting to note that both his grandparents served in the military as US Navy marines.
Musical profile
Micah is both singer and songwriter. He plays the acoustic guitar. He’s also proven excellent in one-man a cappella, as can be seen on his ‘Hello…it’s Micah Tyler‘ and ‘You’ve Gotta Love Millenials‘ songs.
Journey into full-time music
At the age of 18, Micah became a youth pastor right after graduating high school. While on this role, he ‘picked up a guitar’ and began learning to play different chords. This would see him getting invited to lead worship.
Micah would eventualy get a calling to venture into full time music. So he considered quitting his 9 year-long youth pastor job. Micah was intent on being faithful to this calling, but afraid to bring it up to Casey his wife.
“I really wanted to make sure that my wife and I were on the same page, but I was scared to ask her,” he narrates on an interview with the Wally Show, “…and finally she comes to me and says, ‘do you think that you’re supposed to be doing music?'”

It’s no wonder Micah speaks fondly of Casey as the rock star in the family, a partner through all the tours and things music. Seeing that Casey already knew, the couple spent time in prayer and eventually committed to the cause.
With Micah leaving his paycheck job, the couple had to sell over half of their belongings to make ends meet and pursue music. Micah picked up odd jobs, and was at one time a sausage delivery truck driver.
The financial turbulence has since calmed, and Micah says they’re in a much more stable situation.
Going viral
As you can imagine, starting off without a footprint in CCM must have been difficult. But in such days when content goes viral quick and easy, a single project could land great exposure.
Micah Tyler’s parody song ‘You’ve Gotta Love Millenials’ gained traction much quickly than was hoped for. The song was written for a church conference, to break the ice around the millenials topic. It hilariously captured all the millenials stereotypes.
Being overly relatable to millenials, the song went viral on Facebook and YouTube, helping Micah gain massive exposure. However, the song wasn’t copyrighted, and so the artist didn’t make a buck off of it.
Notable works
Here’s some of my favorite tracks by Micah Tyler:

- Different – A song for anyone who’s not living to fit in, but to be different. It’s a prayer for transformation, so much that the world will see Christ in us.
- Never Been a Moment – A song that reminds us that despite our circumstances, there’s never been a moment God didn’t love us.
- New Today – A much needed reminder that God’s mercies are new everyday, awaiting to pick us up, and help us start over again.
- Even Then – When our world is shaking, this song reminds us, God’s with us even then.
- Walking Free – A song of redemption and freedom. No more darkness. Guilt has lost its grip.
- I See Grace – Yet another reminder of the grace of God and the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Looking back at the past, it’s grace that has carried us to where we’re standing now.
Well, I hope you get to enjoy Micah Tyler’s music. Thank you for reading. Be sure to check out more personality profiles and stories on Unleash Mag.
And now, I have discovered great music