Thank You For The Cross by Tauren Wells is a song of gratitude for the greatest symbol of love—the cross of Jesus Christ. The song packs a poetic narration of the events leading to the death of Jesus on the cross, and His resurection, and builds to thanksgiving and praise for the cross.
The cross is extremely consequential for a believer. It forms the groundwork for oursalvation:
Think of the sheer ugliness of sin and its stain; grotesque, and detestable before God—to this, the cross provides pardon, freedom and righteousness. Think of humanity’s long alienation from God—to this, the cross bears the promise of reconciliation and adoption to sonship. Think of life in eternal damnation—to this, the cross presents the gift of salvation into eternal life.
Considering the significance of the cross to our salvation, every believer ought to be grateful. The song Thank You For The Cross by Tauren Wells leads the believer to contemplate the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and thereby pour gratitude and praise unto Him.
Quick song facts
Song title | Thank You For The Cross |
Artist | Tauren Wells |
Release date | January 31, 2025 |
Recording type | Studio recording |
Facts for nerds
Song duration | 4:31 |
Genre | Gospel |
Key | C |
Scriptural review

Love knows no greater sacrifice than the cross of Jesus Christ. It is the greatest symbol of love, with far reaching gains for humanity.
There couldn’t be any greater, phenomenal act in the entire history of humanity than Christ’s death and ressurection on the cross. Through the cross, Christ paid a price so hefty no one could quantify, for the world to receive salvation.
For such a great sacrifice, gratitude should naturally well out of our hearts. However, the Bible commends a different initial response: repentance and transformation. It can be argued that these are of foremost significance to the mission of Christ, and that gratitude comes in as the believer enjoys benefits of the work of the cross.
Christ attests to the mission critical response of repentance in Luke:
Luke 24:46-47 NKJV
[46] Then He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day,
[47] and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Peter, on his sermon on the day of Pentecost urges the dwellers of Jerusalem, upon learning of the salvation masterplan through Christ, to repent and be baptised:
Acts 2:36-38 NIV[36]
“Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.”
[37] When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”
[38] Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Paul on his letter Romans points to a believer’s new transformed life through the work of the cross. This new life is characterized by death to sin and being alive to God in Christ:
Romans 6:4 NIV[4]
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
A believer who has come to see the power of the cross at work in their lives will be moved to praise God. In Revelation, we see saints give praise to the lamb of God:
Revelation 5:12 NIV
[12] In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”
It is surprising that the Bible does not make reference to gratitude for the cross, but rather a commensurate response to the cross in form of repentance and transformation, and an eventual praise to Christ for victory against sin and death.
Given all these, a believer can express gratitude for the cross, in full knowledge of its purpose and impact.
Song lyrics
Two thieves
The perfect lamb of God between
A broken-hearted mother at His feet
The pain of it all for me
The earth shakes
Darkness falls
The Father hides His face
His body hits the dust of a borrowed grave
You paid it all for me, for me
I thank You, thank You
Thank You for the cross
I praise You, praise You
Without it I'd be lost
There's no love like your love
A thousand songs are not enough
To say thank You,
Thank You for the cross
My victory,
Bursting from the grave my risen King
The scrifice for love was hell's defeat
You won it all for me
I thank You, thank You
Thank You for the cross
I praise You, praise You
Without it I'd be lost
There's no love like your love
A thousand songs are not enough
To say thank You,
Thank You for the cross
For Your life
For Your death
For the hope
That's still ahead
We sing thank You
Thank You
For the Father
For the Son
For the power
Of Your love
For the Spirit
That's in us
For the blood
That overcomes
For Your life
For Your death
For the hope
That's still ahead
We sing thank You
For the cross
For the Father
For the Son
For the powerOf Your love
For the Spirit
That's in us
For the blood
That overcomes
For Your life
For Your death
For the hope
That's still ahead
We sing thank You for the cross
I thank You, Thank You
Thank You for the cross
I praise You, praise You
Without it I'd be lost
There's no love like Your love
A thousand songs are not enough
I sing thank You, thank You
I praise You, praise You
Without it I'd be lost
There's no love like your love
A thousand songs are not enough
There's no love like your love
A thousand songs are not enough
There's no love like your love
A thousand songs are not enoughTo say thank YouThank You for the cross
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