Venture Out On Your Own But Start Early Enough

Every year, up to 30,000 students graduate from higher learning institutions. With scarce employment opportunities and a flooded job market, the chances of scoring a job in one’s field of training are minimal.

Many who are lucky enough end up working in fields distant from their area of training.

Some who secure a job just in the right place may have to endure a mean salary or poor working conditions.

Some choose to pursue further education to enhance their prospects of clinching the job or to secure a promotion.

Others choose to follow their talents and abilities. It’s a path that also rewards well.

As a result of the hardship in finding jobs, it has become common to see people venture out on their own, solve real life problems and reap big fortunes out of it.

Students are now being admonished to aim at solving problems in the world. It’s the new way to survive the cruel job market.

And it’s true – that the world needs people who can solve existing problems. This means that to succeed, you have to be innovative, you have to think differently, and be solution oriented.

But what happens to those who cannot? They have to settle for the available casual jobs.

Its become normal to find degree holders in construction works. The world no longer reveres a degree certificate, but it does a problem solver.

But there is only so much problems you can solve. So you have to stay woke and find such problems in good time, probably before leaving school.

In this such a world, you cannot put all your eggs in one basket.

It’s very important to keep eyes open all through so that you can see what else you could do incase you didn’t get that job.

Stay woke, know your alternatives, now!

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