Love, is beautiful. A mental image of love, in its purest form, consists of an array of beautiful flowers, a serene environment, a red love heart shape, the deepest laughter or an ear to ear smile. In film, it is depicted in slow motion to capture the emotions that accompany it. Oftentimes however, an encounter with love comes with the questions, ‘Is this genuine? Is it true? Is it pure? Or am I being delusional?’ The Bible, in 1st Corinthians 13:4-8, answers these questions with the truth about love.
Genuine Love is Patient
Patience is not just waiting but the attitude one portrays while waiting; it is tolerating delays without becoming angry or anxious. It is the ability to bear with one’s weaknesses while giving them room to grow. It also entails pointing out mistakes in a compassionate rather than in a condescending or pressurizing manner.
Love is Kind

Kindness draws down to the simplest of things; from sparing a seat for a friend at an event, to sharing a packed snack, to listening keenly, to checking up on someone, sharing a sweater when it’s cold or carrying an extra sweater, just in case it gets cold and the other person doesn’t have one. Kindness is thoughtfulness and it is genuine love.
Love Does Not Envy
Envy changes energy when someone shares good news about a success they recently achieved. When someone is envious, they are in constant competition with the other person hoping they don’t go ahead of them in anything or in life. Envy builds resentment. Love is without envy.
When Love is Genuine, It Does Not Boast
Boasting prides in one’s achievements. A famous phrase in Swahili denotes, “Kama si mimi…” This phrase would go on stating what the person did to the advantage of the other person and were it not for them, then the other person would not have achieved or gained what they did. When love is genuine, it does not boast.
Genuine Love is Not Proud
Pride comes before a fall is a crucial statement that shows how dangerous pride can be. Pride intoxicates a person with a level of superiority making them unteachable and they cannot be corrected in any way. Genuine love is humble, it is open to advice and is teachable. It is in humility that individuals are able to see more than just their achievements and are able to grow and become better even in their relationship with others.
Love Does Not Dishonor Others
To honor is to respect and to recognize. Without it, love cannot be genuine. Mutual respect is what brings forth harmony and unity. People thrive more in environments where they are respected and honored.
Selflessness is key
Self-seeking is pursuing something with personal motives without consideration of the other person for instance, playing extremely loud music in a block of flats. Selflessness is a key component of genuine love. It is sacrificial (overlooks our personal interests) and at times, it demands more than what is in one’s comfort zone. It is important to note that sacrifice calls for wisdom, not overlooking what is morally or spiritually right.
Genuine Love is Not Easily Angered

Anger does not allow for tranquility and peace which are necessary for love to thrive. Wisdom emphasizes on being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger (James 1: 19-20).
What is Love Without Forgiveness?
‘To Love is to forgive.’ This is a common phrase, to love is to forgive and it goes an extra mile and does not keep a record of wrongs.
Love Does Not Delight In Evil But Rejoices With the Truth
There is no love in the presence of evil. Evil lacks the ability to be genuinely concerned and compassionate towards someone but is often driven with selfish motives. The truth sets free (John 8:32)
Genuine Love Protects
Genuine love says, “I will cushion you from physical, mental and emotional damage but I will not lie to you in case of calamity. I will trust that you have the intellectual ability to process even the toughest of situations.” The statement, “I lied to you because I wanted to protect you” is mostly a false or a cover up statement.
Love Trusts
Trust is the confidence in the reliability, truth or ability of someone or something. Trust wipes away doubt or fear towards someone. It is trust that enables one to encourage another through a certain pursuit and enables one to believe what the other says.
Love Hopes
Genuine love hopes and comforts, it gives assurance that brighter days are coming and that we should not give up. Hope says, “Hold on”
Love Perseveres
Life is a journey coined with variety of challenges. It is not obvious or assured to have someone walk with you through thick or thin. If anything, you’ll be lucky to even have one person during these dark times. One thing about genuine love, it perseveres through every season. Cherish this, if it comes your way.
Genuine Love Never Fails
Verse 13 of 1st Corinthians 13 says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” That’s how powerfully eternal love is.
We are called to love (Mark 12:30-31) and the above truth about love provides for a moment of self-reflection. Genuine love begins from within and from a filled cup, it spreads to everyone else.
Great article Zelda.
Thank you.
To a LOVEly life.